About Us

Company Details
+233 (0) 249507413
Jiso Plaza, Jisonayili Tamale Northern Region , Tamale, Ghana
Countries where we offer tours
Benin, Gambia, Senegal, Togo, Ghana
Types of tours offered
Sightseeing | Wildlife Safari | City Tour | Birdwatching

We strive to increase global happiness by providing innovative, inspirational, and sustainable travel experiences that positively impact our clients and the communities they visit.

As a business founded on a love of travel and pure passion for creating positive change, we don’t lie to customers about our sustainability efforts, but instead we choose to be transparent with them about the realities of “sustainable” travel.

By 2030, the world will need to sustainably manage 1.8 billion international tourists. We are up for the challenge.

Tamale, Ghana
Contact Person
