About Us

Company Details
+251-111-562242 / +251-111-567837/38/39
sales@dinkneshethiopiatour.com / info@dinkneshethiopiatour.com
Gulele Sub City, MIllinium Sefer, Mulugnet Bldg. P.O.Box 26563, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Countries where we offer tours
Types of tours offered
Sightseeing | City Tour | Cultural Tours

Dinknesh Ethiopia Tour (DET) is one of Ethiopia’s premier tour operators. The word “Dinknesh” actually is the Ethiopian name for “Lucy” (directly translated to “you are special”), or scientifically called Australopithecus Afarensis the first known hominine. This is the most spectacular discovery of the Awash Valley in Ethiopia’s Afar region, which came in 1974, when 52 fragments of a skeleton enabled the famous “Lucy” to be reconstructed. It is a well-organized company providing exceptional holiday opportunities throughout Ethiopia to groups and individuals. We are committed to offering quality services at reasonable prices.


African Travel and Tourism Association
Japan Association of Travel Agents
Association For The Promotion Of Tourism To Africa
American Society of Travel Advisors
European Tourism Association

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact Person
