About Us

Company Details
+264 (61) 247668
chamnam@mweb.com.na / info@chameleon.com.na
5-7 Voight Street Nth, Windhoek Central, Namibia
Countries where we offer tours
Types of tours offered
Sightseeing | Wildlife Safari | City Tour |

Established in 1995 by Jackie Burton, after many years backpacking in Asia and from Cairo to Cape Town, it seemed a natural decision to share my love for Namibia, it’s people and the amazing animals, with others. Being fascinated by chameleons and having had some very close encounters whilst backpacking, it was a natural step to name the company after my favourite animal. Joined in 2000 by Bossie Coetzer, who had backpacked through America, Europe and Southern Africa, we made a formidable team and started our crazy adventure together. Through the years we have recruited and trained many Namibians into this wonderful industry as well as made some amazing friends from around the world. Our focus early on was to support local communities to ensure that the tourism dollar reached the rural areas as all Namibians should benefit, as well as introduce our guests to genuine characters in “off the beaten track” places. This meant we had to move from minibuses to 4x4 vehicles to enable us to reach some of the lesser-known areas.

Windhoek, Namibia
Contact Person
